The Malkie Show Season 2, Episode 9
#Matty Blatter and Simi Zeiger # Yael Coen and Yael Forman #Chava Rosenbaum #Charlene Aminoff # Dobby Baum
ARE YOU READY??? Do you want to know who won the $500 CASH PRIZE BY DOLCETTO KOSHER????
THE MEGA MALKIE SHOW TALENT EXPERIENCE IS HERE!!!!! This is NOT a show to be missed! It's absolutely brimming with entertainment. It's non-stop amazingness. Grab the popcorn and enjoy!
Thank you to our amazing Contestants, we couldn't have done this without you!!
Matty Blatter, Simi Zeiger, Yael Coen, Yael Forman
Thank you to our amazing and talented judges:
Charlene Aminoff Chava Rosenbaum and Dobby Baum
They had a really hard time deciding on a winner!
And the winner is 💥💥💥
Xoxo, Malkie
Xoxo, Malkie
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